Prezentace Portalu 2 na E3 bude nahrazena překvapením

Valve plánovalo odprezentovat Portal 2 novinářům den před zahájením herní výstavy E3 2010. Představení se mělo konat v Regal Theater v Los Angeles, jak uvádí původní pozvánka:

Valve would like to invite you to a special Portal 2 press showing on Monday, June 14 at the Regal Theater in the LA Live Event Center (adjacent to the convention center). The event will begin at 7 pm. Beverages will be served.

Nyní je ale vše jinak. Valve rozeslalo vtipný email, že plánovaná prezentace se ruší a bude nahrazena překvapením:

Dear Subject Name Here,
Aperture Science is pleased to inform you that we have partnered with Valve to announce the gala CANCELLATION of the June 14 Portal 2 event at the Regal Theater. The event will be replaced by a surprise. And even though the cancellation of the event certainly counts as a surprise, we are pleased to further announce that the cancellation of the event is not THE surprise. However, per International treaties regarding the definition of the word “surprise”, of which both Aperture Science and Valve are signatories, the time, date and content of the actual surprise will only become available as you experience the surprise.

If you’d like to ask fruitless questions about the E3 Portal 2 surprise or, more fruitfully, schedule an appointment to attend a Portal 2 screening at the Valve booth during E3, please contact Valve’s Special Envoy to Surprises, Doug Lombardi.

Thank you for [RECORD SCRATCH!!!]

PS: The surprising record scratch is also not the surprise.

Zatím není jisté, o co se bude jednat. Internet okamžitě zaplavily spekulace o Half-Life 2: Episode Three, Half-Life 3, Duke Nukem Forever, novém IP od Valve nebo novém enginu. Na reálné informace si budeme muset počkat do začátku E3, což je 15.6.2010.

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